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برای کسایی که تو کانادان و اپلای کردن برای ازمون زبان من متوجه شدم فعلا کانستوگا ازمونش رو نمیگیره.فعلا ب جز ایلتس و تافل ، دولینگو رو قبول دارن انگار. If they had suggested the CELT test, weve had to unfortunately suspend the CELT assessment for the time being due to Covid restrictions and having no on-campus access. However, we have found another option that can be used to assess your English Language Skills. This platform is called Duolingo. Please follow the link below to register: چیزی که در جواب ایمیلم گفتن
2021-09-09 09:04:00
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